Saturday, 11 July 2009

swine flu

Well I just thought I'd put my 2 penneth in re this global pandemic. Wales is now hitting epidemic levels and so we can expect a speedy spread over the next 2 months or so. Given that there is always a flu pandemic approximately every 30 years, I'm relieved that this strain is just like a seasonal viral flu and nothing more.

It is hard to keep this in perspective when every death is currently being broadcast, but 10's of thousands of people die from flu every year, so keeping things in perspective this flu is currently mild. Those that die usually have underlying chronic medical problems.

The main message is don't spread it, so if you have the symptoms stay at home, keep up the fluids and take such as paracteamol and ibruprofen for sypmtom relief. Unless you're very unwell then you need to RING your GP or NHS healthline. Do not attend the GP surgery you only risk spreading to people, possibly those with underlying conditionss.

The main sympton to give rise to flu is a fever with a quick onset (> 38 degrees), which will be accompanied by at least 2 other symptoms such as: muscle aches and pains, malaise, sneezing, chesty cough. There is excellent information available on NHS websites to understand this more. Vaccines are expected to be available from October, just in time for the winter months, when we would normally expect to see flu, so this is a good thing for the UK.

Lets just hope the virus burns itself out soon!

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